St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
To find cures and means of prevention for childhood catastrophic diseases through research and treatment.
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, Inc.
The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina's mission is to ensure that no one goes hungry in central and eastern North Carolina.
YMCA of the Triangle Area
Founded in 1883, YMCAs collectively make up the largest nonprofit community service organization in America. YMCAs are at the heart of community life in neighborhoods and towns across the nation. They work to meet the health and social service needs of 16.9 million men, women and children.YMCAs help people develop values and behavior that are consistent with Christian principles. YMCAs are for people of all faiths, races, abilities, ages and incomes. No one is turned away for inability to pay. YMCAs' strength is in the people they bring together.In the average YMCA, a volunteer board sets policy for its executive, who manages the operation with full-time and part-time staff and volunteer leaders. YMCAs meet local community needs through organized activities called programs. In its own way, every YMCA nurtures the healthy development of children and teens; strengthens families; and makes its community a healthier, safer, better place to live.YMCA programs are tools for building the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.