Sankara Eye Foundation USA
Sankara Eye Foundation, USA (SEFUSA)’s mission is to reach out to the rural poor and provide quality eye care free of cost to the needy by building operationally self-sufficient super specialty eye care hospitals across India. Our immediate goals and objectives are to perform 1 million sustainable free eye surgeries per year by the year 2030- Vision2030.
International Eye Foundation
International Eye Foundation is dedicated to helping people see! Since 1961 IEF has taken up the challenge in poor countries around the world, helping to restore sight and prevent blindness. IEF offers strong new strategic directions that focus on making eye clinics financially self sufficient. IEFs achievements include developing eye health services, training ophthalmologists and para-medicals, and fighting vitamin A deficiency, trachoma and river blindness. IEF is now strengthening the management, quality of service, and income generating activities so that eye clinics are less dependent on outside donors and government funds.